
Showing posts from July, 2024

A Simple Guide to LMIA and Canada’s Work Permit Process

If you have experience in a particular field and want to work in Canada, then you must know about LMIA. LMIA, which stands for Labour Market Impact Assessment is a type of document that verifies and protects foreign workers’ employment in Canada. This document is needed by an employer before hiring any foreign worker. In this blog, let us find out more about LMIA and Canada’s LMIA work permit process. What is LMIA in Canada? LMIA stands for Labour Market Impact Assessment. It is a document that allows Canadian employers to hire foreign workers. The ESDC (Employment and Social Development Canada) issues the LMIA applications to potential employers. By completing the processing of LMIA applications, the ESDC determines that hiring foreign nationals in the specified occupation will have a positive or neutral impact on the Canadian labor market. In simple words, LMIA Canada is a document needed by Canadian employers to hire overseas workers. It serves as a proof that there is a need for a ...

Education Systems in Canada vs. Australia: Which is Better for Students?

Nowadays, it is common to see st udents optin g to go abroad for e du cation. T he to p choice s f o r s t ude nts wh e n it c ome s to s t u dy ing abr oad are Ca nad a, Austra l i a , the US A , and the UK . W hile there a r e o ther cou ntr ies t o o th at st ud en t s tend to op t f o r , it to tall y d e p ends o n one's p e rsona l c h oic e, b udg et , etc. W i t h s o m an y o ptio n s , man y s tude nt s aren't sure wh e t her s tud y i ng a b r oad i n Au st r al i a or C anada is a g ood choice . T h e se t w o destina t i ons o f fe r outstanding edu cationa l o p p or tu nities, s u p e r ior pub l ic s e r vi ce s , a nd hi g h liv in g s t and ar d s .       Therefore, i n this blog, we will discuss the education systems in Canada vs Australia an d which option is better for students . Wh ile both countries offer top-tier ed uc ation , rich cultures, a n d good opportunities for stude nts, they h ave their ...